Leadership Traits

TFA LV Arc of Development for Teacher Leaders

What are the Leadership Traits?

These four traits are our best guess at what it will take for our alums to create transformative change in the education system. Our 2025 vision guides us to ensure we have alumni in key roles in education - including as teachers, school leaders, school system leaders, civic leaders, social entrepreneurs, …. In order for our alums to not only get into those roles but to create transformative impact for students in those roles, they need to be rooted in Las Vegas, centered on student excellence, critically conscious & emotionally resilient, and lead with an innovative systems-change lens. While this is our best thinking for now, this is a living document that will evolve over time as we continue to learn from the amazing leadership in our community about what it takes for us to collectively lead towards our mission of One Day all children will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Leadership Traits

What kind of coaching is available to achieve these traits?

As we learned from the past, we get better student results when first year corps members get additional support and consistent touch points, so we restructured our cohorts to enable first year corps member coaches to have much smaller cohorts to provide more frequent support:

  • 4 first year coaches.

  • Ratio: 1 coach per 14 first year corps members.

  • Classroom visits and feedback cycle: every 1-3 weeks.

For second year corps members, the most common feedback was teachers wanted more opportunities to build community, so we have restructured second year cohorts to be grouped together based on which part of the community corps members are teaching in.

  • 3 second year coaches.

  • Ratio: 1 coach per 28 second year corps members.

  • Classroom visits and feedback cycle: every 4-5 weeks.

Coaches focus on student excellence to increase culture of achievement and rigor in the classrooms with a goal of a year and a half of learning in one year. Their feedback is aligned to Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) indicators. This means that our coaches are able to give more specific feedback after an observation or a check-in to strengthen corps members’ instructional practices with students.

How do we achieve these traits?

Dive into the specific goals for each level in more detail below.

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